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Why You Should Conduct Background Checks On Seasonal Workers

It’s the busiest time of the year for the retail and hospitality industries. During this season, many companies take on seasonal employees to keep things running smoothly.

If you hire seasonal workers, you might wonder whether you can just skip the background check process. But is this a good idea?

Here’s what you need to know.

Why Some Companies Skip Background Checks On Seasonal Workers

Some employers believe that background checks are unnecessary for workers who are only going to be with them a short time. After all, how much damage can they really do? Skipping background checks on temporary employees can seem like a good way to save money. And of course, there’s also the issue of time: background checks and other pre-employment screenings can drag out the hiring process.

Why Background Checks Are Important

It’s true that background checks take time and money. But on balance, they can save you time and money in the long run.

With the fast pace of the holiday season, busy hiring managers may ignore their gut when something about an employee doesn’t feel just right. Unfortunately, this can come back to bite them later. An unreliable employee can wreak havoc on your productivity and workplace morale if they fail to show up for a scheduled shift or quit without notice.

The Problem of Employee Theft

According to a recent study, employee theft is on the rise, especially in small businesses. With financially stressed employees and busy managers, the holiday season creates a perfect storm of conditions for employee theft. In addition, seasonal workers may be more likely to steal from you, since they will not feel the same degree of loyalty as a permanent employee. This can potentially cost your business far more than the cost of conducting thorough background checks.

Better Hiring Decisions

Background checks allow you to hire with a complete picture of who it is that you’re employing. It gives you the chance to consider past convictions which might affect your decision. If an employee has previously committed any fraud, theft, or violence, then you will be better able to assess their risk to your business, employees, and customers.

Seasonal Workers Can Become Permanent Employees

When the busy season is over, you might discover that you want to retain some of your star seasonal workers for the long term. If background checks have already been completed and out of the way, this allows a smooth transition during the New Year.

Making The Process More Efficient

There are steps you can take to speed up the process of background checks on seasonal workers. One way to do this is by completing as much of the process as possible online. 

The Takeaway

Hiring seasonal workers can be a wonderful way to boost your productivity while keeping costs low. But resist the temptation to cut corners on background checks. Instead, reach out to Veriswift to ensure you have the peace of mind of reliable, trustworthy seasonal employees who will be an asset instead of a liability.