
large room of workers on computers

Should You Rescreen Your Employees At Regular Intervals?

It’s common practice for employers to screen candidates before hiring them as a way to maintain a safe and reliable workforce.

But what about rescreening the employees you already have? Isn’t this just as important? And how often should you do it?

Here’s everything you need to know about rescreening employees.

Why Should You Rescreen?

Over time, things change. If it’s been a number of years since their date of hire, your employees have probably changed a lot, and so has your organization. Regular rescreening ensures that you still have the right employees for the job. It safeguards your assets and the interests of clients and other employees. In fact, rescreening current employees is just as important as screening during the hiring process. And it’s not just employees that you should rescreen, but also contractors and volunteers.

Here are a few specific situations which call for rescreening of your workforce.

Changes In Employee Responsibilities

It’s common for employees to move into different positions or departments throughout the period of employment. As they move either vertically or horizontally, their roles and responsibilities will change. By rescreening them, you can ensure that they are the best fit for their new role or position. 

Perhaps an employee is now responsible for handling large amounts of cash. Or maybe they are now responsible to care for vulnerable people, such as children or seniors. Rescreening is completely appropriate in these cases to make sure they can handle these responsibilities.

Updates In Employee Information

The pre-employment screening that you performed is a snapshot in time. Rescreening your employees allows you to make sure that nothing has occurred since hiring that could put your employees or customers at risk, which in turn helps keep your company safe. It’s also a good way to make sure everyone is up-to-date on any professional licensing required for their role. For example, if driving is one of their job responsibilities, you’ll need to make sure that their driver’s license is renewed in a timely fashion.

How Often Should You Rescreen?

Most experts now agree that it’s best to rescreen employees annually. However, the frequency of rescreening in your company will depend on your industry and needs. Some employers have a set schedule which dictates rescreening employees every 2-3 years on the anniversary of their date of hire. Others choose to rescreen at random or as needed. When determining a rescreening schedule, you’ll need to consider employee responsibilities/requirements, as well as the long-term goals of your company.

How to Rescreen

The last thing you need is to bog down your HR department with the ongoing work of rescreening. Fortunately, you can count on Veriswift to conduct employee rescreening for you. Contact our team of experts to find out how we can help.