
Veriswift Background
Screening Services

Our Background Check Services .


Criminal Records

Reduce Liability & Maintain a Safe Environment with Veriswift’s Criminal Records Checks

Veriswift has the knowledge and expertise to conduct federal, statewide, and county-level searches to determine if your candidate has been convicted of a crime. All our criminal record search results are verified, accurate, and compliant.


Drug Testing

Improve Productivity and Safety with Veriswift’s Drug Screening Services

Veriswift will support your drug-free workplace by providing screenings for pre-employment and throughout the year. With collection locations nationwide, we provide accurate and quick drug screening results when you need them.


Credit Checks

Veriswift can pull credit reports for Confirm Identify and Financial Reliability with Veriswift’s Credit Checks

Veriswift provides accurate and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliant Credit Checks for your applicants so you can verify identify, education, and employment background for your applicants.



Simplify and Streamline the Verification Process with Veriswift’s Verification Services

Veriswift has access to the networks and resources needed to complete employment verifications quickly, thoroughly, and accurately. With Veriswift, you will have no doubt about putting the best possible candidates into every position.

The Veriswift Process

Getting fast and accurate background screening services that meet your needs has never been easier than with Veriswift.


Step 1: Speak with a Veriswift representative about your unique requirements.


Step 2: Veriswift will outline a custom screening package to meet your needs.


Step 3: Join the Veriswift platform.


Step 4: Submit screening requests and get results in as little as one hour.