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How To Choose a Background Check Company

Thorough and comprehensive background checks are the best tool you have to ensure that new hires are a good fit for your organization, and to prevent the costly damage that can be caused by negligent hiring.

Of course, your background checks are only as good as the company that performs them.

Here are some pointers about what you should look for when choosing a background check company.


The very first consideration when selecting a background check company is their policies regarding FCRA (Federal Credit Reporting Act) compliance. Without such policies, you run the risk of legal problems resulting from non-compliant practices. Examine the company’s legal compliance and, as an extra measure of caution, verify that they are members of the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA).

These steps are necessary to make sure that the company gets all required consent forms from applicants when carrying out any pre-employment screening on your behalf.  You should be able to trust the company to honor all federal, state, and local regulations governing background checks. They should be aware not just of required consent forms, but also of any rules governing adverse actions.

Speed and Accuracy

If a background check comes back with results that are incomplete or inaccurate, this can result in poor hiring decisions, defeating the whole purpose of the background check. It’s essential to hire a background check company that has access to all relevant records so that you get a complete picture of each candidate. A good company will be able to search all court records on a federal, state, and local level.

It’s equally important that turnaround times are quick but accuracy is never compromised. If a background check takes too long, you risk losing out on promising candidates if another company hires them first. Statistics show that only 41% of job applicants are willing to wait a week to ten days for background screening once a job offer has been extended.

Customized Services

A thorough background check will look different in every situation, depending on the industry and role for which you’re hiring. A one-size-fits-all solution often just won’t cut it.

Look for a company offering a variety of flexible service packages, allowing you to obtain exactly the screening services you need, no more, and no less.

You should also find out whether a particular company is a good match for the size of your business. Some companies work primarily with large businesses, while others tailor their services to smaller ones. You’ll want to ensure that whatever background check company you choose is a good fit.

About Veriswift

Veriswift is a great choice for your background screening needs. Results are accurate and comprehensive, with fast turnaround times. And we have access to the most up-to-date technology, so you can be confident of the fastest, most accurate results every time. We offer a range of services including drug testing, criminal records searches, employment verification and credit checks. The streamlined process makes even the most complicated screenings beautifully simple.

Reach out to us and find out how we can help.