

5 Ways to Find Better Talent Using Background Checks

Companies know that finding talented people and hiring them as quickly as possible is one of the best ways to ensure a business stays competitive. However, sourcing the best talent in a tight labor market can be difficult

A recent Wall Street Journal article said that the unemployment rate has been under 4% for nearly two years and that the job market will “remain tight for years” thanks to a combination of factors.

“Work experts have warned for years that the combination of baby boomer retirements, low birthrates, shifting immigration policies and changing worker preferences is leaving U.S. employers with too few workers to fill job openings,” the article’s author noted.

So, how can companies give themselves an advantage when looking for candidates? One way to do so is by using comprehensive background screenings during hiring. Here are five ways a pre-employment background check can help companies attract the best talent.

1. Rigorous screenings build trust with employees

All companies want to hire trustworthy employees who are honest and hardworking. Employees want to be able to trust their employers in the same way. A recent PwC survey found that 64% of employees said they recommend a place to work because they trusted it.

And the very first step companies can take to build trust with employees is to implement accurate and fast background checks.

“When candidates know that the hiring process includes rigorous background checks, it often attracts individuals who have nothing to hide. This, in turn, leads to a more trustworthy and reliable workforce,” Terry Shackelford from Veriswift said.

2. Background checks help build a positive reputation

The hiring process is a two-way street. Employers are evaluating a potential candidate’s background and skills, and candidates are figuring out if working for a specific company will be good or bad for their resume.

That’s why it’s more important than ever for companies to build a positive brand reputation to attract top talent.

“Companies that prioritize thorough background screening send a clear message to prospective employees that they value their reputation and take hiring seriously. This reputation for diligence can attract candidates who share similar values and are committed to maintaining the company’s good name,” Shackelford said.

3. Rapid background checks help companies quickly hire great candidates

The time it takes for a company to hire an employee has risen consistently for the past four years — taking 44 days on average now — and a recent CNBC article noted that when the hiring takes too long, it’s a red flag to candidates.

Using a background check service for employers to speed up hiring could keep top talent from looking elsewhere.

By leveraging Veriswift’s modern technology, companies can obtain results in a matter of hours or even minutes, compared to the weeks it might take to manually verify a candidate’s information. This speed ensures that companies don’t miss out on great candidates who might accept offers elsewhere.

4. Background screenings create a stable work environment

Setting aside time and resources to interview and hire candidates is a big undertaking. That’s why getting the hiring decision right — the very first time — is so important.

Shackelford notes that accurate background checks can help prevent hiring missteps and ensure that a company has a more comprehensive view of a candidate’s suitability. “This reduces the likelihood of making a rushed decision and having to repeat the hiring process, ultimately saving time in the long run.”

Using background checks to make the right hiring decision helps companies reduce turnover and thus provides top-tier employees with a stable working environment.

5. Screenings prove to employees that workplace safety is important

Workplace safety, both physical and psychological, is essential to candidates. Fortunately, most workers — 87% — report that they are satisfied with the physical health and safety practices at their place of work, according to data from the American Psychological Association.

Shackelford said that implementing comprehensive background screenings is one crucial way for companies to maintain safety in the workplace and show potential top-talent candidates that they value their safety.

“Safety is paramount in today’s work environment. By conducting drug screens and background checks that include criminal history and verification of qualifications, a company can ensure it hires individuals who are not only competent but also pose no threats to the workplace.”

Ready to learn more about background checks?

Veriswift’s background check for employers can help your company ensure that the best talent doesn’t slip through the cracks.

Contact Veriswift now to find out how accurate and reliable screenings can enhance your hiring process.